Tension Indicators

Tension indicators are available in either analog or digital formats as well as single or multiple zone indication. There are two types of tension indicators available based on your requirements.



Tension indicators are available in either analog or digital formats as well as single or multiple zone indication. There are two types of tension indicators available based on your requirements.

The i4 Tension Indicator allows you to precisely monitor web tension from a single or multiple zones throughout your process in one complete unit. I4 Tension Indicator is available in either analog or digital displays, with analog or digital amplification.

Single or Multiple Zone Tension Indication
Precisely monitor web tension from a single or multiple zones throughout your process for more productive and profitable runs. Available with 1-4 readouts. For more than 4 readouts please inquire about a custom multi-zone tension indicator cabinet.

Digital or Analog Tension Readouts
The i4 is available with either a clear, easy to read Digital or Analog Tension Display.

Digital or Analog Single Amplification
i4 Tension Indicators are available with either M3200 Series Amplifiers for Analog single amplification or with A4 Amplifiers for Digital signal amplification.

Rugged Enclosure
I4 Enclosures ensure your Tension Indicator will work within the parameters of practically any application no matter how harsh the environment.

The M4 Analog Tension Meter allows for quick and easy monitoring of tension through an analog display. As a compliment to Montalvo’s digital controllers the M4 is easy to install and features a large meter display. Contact

To Know more information about this product please Contact Nayagi.in